Monday, October 28, 2013

Can Cyber Bullying Be Blamed on the Parents?

As I was browsing today a very sad article caught my attention about a 12 year old girl committing suicide because she had been cyber bullied by two other girls around her age. After the girl committed suicide one of bullies supposedly posted on her Facebook account, "Yes IK I bullied REBECCA nd she killed herself but IDGAF." Although the dad of the girl said that he thought his daughter was hacked, this incident still does raise the question: Where were the parents? 

The author of this article believes that the parents of the bullies who caused a girl to end her life should be criminally charged for being ignorant about what their child is doing on the internet. Although this story is tragic, I do not think it would be fair for the parents to be criminally charged. Even if the parents are not very involved with their children's social media accounts, its not like they were the ones telling their children to go after this girl. It should be the actual bully getting criminal charges, not the parents.

Neither my mom or dad has my Facebook or Twitter password and I do not ever think they will but if I were to ever to do something bad on the internet it shouldn't be their fault that I never gave them my passwords. I think cyber bullying between teens can be stopped more easily through social work in schools or counseling. Not blaming parents for being out of the know. 

Comments are very much appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. Anneke, Nice job blogging overall this term. This post offers a strong image and a link to an article. Beyond that, though, you simply offer your own contradictory opinion; you don't really analyze the text with respect to American themes. Think about technology and isolation; privacy concerns over internet; increasing freedom of children in U.S., e.g.
